This is the home page for CBSi Leadgen's Medusa API.

There are currently 3 endpoints for this API:

For spot data retrieval, you'll need to make a request to${spotName}.${format}, where ${spotName} is the name of a spot already setup in medusa-admin and ${format} is txt, json, html, or xml. For general information regarding the spot endpoint, click here. For details regarding parameters, see click here.

For cache purging, you'll need to make a request to The purgeCacheItems endpoint accepts 3 params:

For more detailed information, please click here.

For Max Mind lookup, you'll need to make a request to This endpoint may be used to retrieve the geographic information associated with a given IP address. By default, only the associated country code is returned.

These requests must contain the url parameter 'ipAddress'.

These requests may contain the optional url parameter 'fields' (country, city, countryconf, cityconf, metrocode, latitude, longitude) for additional data.